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The Earthquake

Everithing start when I was sleep and later wake up and I said myself "o if just a little tremor" and continue sleep, but I wake up again, and the tremor make more stronge, and the erath roar, I think,"this is not a tremor, this a earthquake" and I jump from mi bed and put my colthes and went out,of my house, when I stay in the garden whit my two brothers whe saw who the sky iluminate for the transformer's explotions, my mom scream, and run to grab the TV and my father went to grab the PC, when the eartquake finish the sky is black and whe saw the stars in the Santiago's sky and a big silence, My brothers and me went to the street, and saw all the neighbor in the steer, some ones iluminate His houses with the car's light, and others walk to the Gran Avenida, whe went in side again and listen the radio on the MP3, later all return's to his bed in a complete silence

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