My watches

My favorite piece of technology is the watch, this is a machine that allow measure the time, exist a lot of models and forms and many companies to produce this object, the better cuality have the Japaness watches, but the most tradition have the Swiss watches.

Actually existe two tipes of watches and two forms to see the hour, the frist is the analog tipe, this tipe of watches is the most older and represent the in 12 hours, the second tipe is the digital and this watches represent the hour for two form, in one hand represent the day in 12 hours and in the other hand represent the day in 24 hours, the called military hour.

I have my first wath for my birthday in 1992, there was a simple machine, is a digital clock of the Lion King, only see the hour and the date, nothing more but I use a lot, later in 1994 I recive a watch of the 1992 world football cup, and this machine is equal the other only this is black and too was digital, this watch last me for many yearsm when in my first communion I recive the other watch more advanced and whit more funtions, in this watch I see the date, ahve two chronometer, one chronometer is for advance and the other go back, and I see the military hour, finally when I finish the scool, my grand father give me mi actually watch, a simply watch, but I like too much, this is my first analog watch and I use all the time.

I use my watch every day, I only take out when I go to sleep and I do rugby, but like have resistance to wather i use for all, principally i use to don't arrive later to my classes and dates with some classmates and friends.

I like the watches because give me the sensation to control the time, this is the fabulous machine I think that his creator want control the time, this thinking make me crazy, because I fascinate whit the time control and time travels.

Probably my life was more relax and slow, I don't run all day and off course I arrive late to all my engagement, although the cellfone show the hour, my cellfone is one allways off.

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